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Choisissez votre modèle :

PV600-EM - Projecteur de profils vertical écran Ø600mm rotatif équipé d'un afficheur évolué EL 250
Objectif 10x pour PV600
Objectif 20x pour PV600
Objectif 25x pour PV600
Objectif 50x pour PV600
Objectif 100x pour PV600
Casquette avec rideaux
Table rotative graduée
Entre pointes
Vé avec étrier
Vertical Profile Projector Ø600mm Screen - PV600-EM – 54 69100050

Vertical profile projector with Ø600mm screen – PV600-EM:
The PV600-EM vertical profile projector consists of a turret that can accommodate up to 4 lenses. The PV600-EM profile projector has a rotating screen with a 600 mm diameter reticle, equipped with an EL250 advanced display allowing the use of geometric functions.

Our technical arguments:

  • Dual variable-intensity halogen lighting for exceptional optical performance
  • 4-position turret as standard
  • Large table with long X-Y travels
  • Robust construction, table guided by crossed rollers.

Basic composition:

  • Ø 600 mm rotating screen with encoder for angular measurement.
  • Pre-assembled to accept an EL250 advanced display or EL550 2D geometric calculator for geometric functions.
  • Variable intensity diascopic lighting.
  • Variable intensity episcopic lighting.
  • Table 380 x 280 mm, travel X 250 mm, Y 175 mm, fitted with optical rulers, resolution 0.001 mm.
  • Indexed rotating turret for 4 objectives.