Spacers For Vertical Profile Projector
2 Variations
What are the advantages of a 3-axis ECU compared with an X-Y-Angle display?
The display, as its name suggests, will show the displacement value of the X axis, the Y axis and the Q Angle. It will also measure the diameter of a circle, but will not have any geometric construction functions.
The 3-Axis Geometry Calculator will have all the functions of the display and offers all the measurement functions (alignment, point, line, circle, radius, angle and distance), but will also allow you to make constructions with previously measured elements. For example, you can measure the distance between 2 circles; create a line perpendicular to another line passing through a circle; create a median line between 2 lines; create an inscribed circle passing through 3 or more circles; etc.
Measurements are stored in the internal memory and can be exported to a PC using the software supplied as standard.
It also provides a graphical representation of the measurements taken.
With a calculator, your profile projector becomes a REAL 2D MEASURING INSTRUMENT, accurate and high-performance.
EL530 Calculator Features: