BlueSYSTEM Bundle 007
4 Variations
BlueLEVEL inclinometers from the BlueSYSTEM range are high-precision instruments.
BlueLEVELS allows you to perform geometry control operations on machine tools. Depending on the version of the software «Wylersoft» used, it will be possible to characterize pitch, roll, blade yaw, parallelism and perpendicularity of surfaces. Wyler-ELEMENTS is the simplest version of the software, followed by Wyler-PROFESSIONAL and the most complete version is Wyler-SPEC.
BlueSYSTEM SETS are also recommended for marble mapping, checking the flatness of grid or flag surfaces and checking and checking operations on engineering structures (bridge, building, tunnel, hydroelectric dam, solar panels.
Composition of the BLUE SYSTEM II Bundle
Bundle 003:
The Blue-System II 003 package includes two BlueLevel II connectable inclinometers in BlueTOOTH:
Level Blue LEVEL type 122: flat horizontal base, 150 mm hardened steel, with 2 bores for fixing.
Level Blue LEVEL type 122: flat horizontal base, 110 mm hardened steel.
Bundle 003-ELEMENTS:
Bundle 003-SPEC
Optional accessories:
Base to be screwed: